Friday, May 15, 2020

Should Tobacco Advertising Be Banned - 897 Words

In recent year, non-governmental organization and other associations have been putting pressure on the government to ban cigarette production but these products contribution of these products to the national GDP cannot be neglected. As a result, of the huge sum, the government gets from these companies in the form of taxes it extremely difficult for the government ban the production of cigarettes but have instead resorted to banning advertisements of these products. Is the government doing enough as it claims it is doing to protect it population from a product whose effect go beyond harming secondary smokers as well? Giving the health hazard that arises from tobacco, I am of the opinion that tobacco advertising be ban completely in Indian. Ethics is a system of moral principles governing the appropriate conduct of a person or a group. It is a way of being human and having a feeling of compassion, sympathy or regard for others the way we have for ourselves. There is this famous saying of Abraham Lincoln â€Å"When I do good, I feel good; when I do bad, I feel bad. That’s my religion.† Managers of tobacco companies cannot pretend they do not know that tobacco is dangerous for our health. Ethics is fundamental in any profession and is an integral part of any successful business today. If in our subconscious mind we are not comfortable it mean the consequences of our action are unethical: then we are doing bad business. . Albert Schweitzer says, â€Å"Ethics is the activity of manShow MoreRelatedShould Tobacco Advertising Be Banned? Essay897 Words   |  4 Pageshealth hazard that ar ises from tobacco, I am of the opinion that tobacco advertising be ban completely in Indian. Ethics is a system of moral principles governing the appropriate conduct of a person or a group. It is a way of being human and having a feeling of compassion, sympathy or regard for others the way we have for ourselves. There is this famous saying of Abraham Lincoln â€Å"When I do good, I feel good; when I do bad, I feel bad. That’s my religion.† Managers of tobacco companies cannot pretend theyRead MoreBAN ON TOBACCO ADVERTISEMENT IN INDIA800 Words   |  4 PagesBAN ON TOBACCO ADVERTISEMENT IN INDIA In 2004 the government of India banned tobacco companies from advertising their products and sponsoring sports and cultural events. The objective was to discourage adolescents from consuming tobacco products as well as empower the government with the power to launch an anti tobacco program. . This issue created a serious problem in that it was both ethical and commercial, the government on one hand, believe it was its responsibility to protect the welfare ofRead MoreEthical Considerations : Ban Tobacco985 Words   |  4 PagesEthical Considerations: On the one hand, was tobacco, the most dangerous consumer product known, which killed when used as the makers intended. Just like most dangerous substances like cocaine were banned so from the ethical point of view it was not alien for the government of India to ban tobacco. Therefore from an ethical standpoint, the Government had to discourage the habit, as it was responsible for the welfare of its citizens. In view of international precedents and statistics the ban wasRead MoreBan Banning Should Not Be Banned981 Words   |  4 Pagesthat should not only be avoided, but also banned. In India specifically, a country that is renowned for its high use of tobacco production and use, the idea of smoking has become a national crisis. With tobacco companies trying to push for freedom of speech† with advertisements, and the government attempting to assume a sense of responsibility, it seems almost impossible to find a solution that can encompass all perspectives. Pro-banning arguments Many feel that the Indian government should be allowedRead MoreHow Tobacco Advertising Influences Young People.1447 Words   |  6 PagesHow Tobacco Advertising Influences Young People. At the age of fourteen, I had my first puff of smoke. Even before that I knew a lot of cigarette brands due to advertising. Since then I started smoking and when I went to cafeterias and clubs the people who were promoting cigarettes would offer me a new brand to try and gave me free packs of cigarettes and a lighter with their brand. They didn’t mind how old I was, they just wanted to give them away and promote their product. But except thisRead MoreBanning Tobacco Advertising Ban On The Public Health Of Their People976 Words   |  4 PagesIn February 6, 2001, the Government of India announce their plan to soon pass a bill banning Tobacco companies from displaying any source of advertising or sponsoring any public events. The advertising ban took effect from May 1, 2004. In October 2, 2005, the Government of India prohibited any new programs or movies from showing any actors or actresses smoking as it glorifies smoking and sends a bad message to its viewers. According to a CNN article written by Leo Juarez, some actors seem to supportRead MoreAdvertisements For Smoking Should Be Banned Essay974 Words   |  4 PagesAdvertisements For Smoking Should Be Banned. Advertisements involving smoking should be prohibited. Kids and teens that are the most impressionable and easily influenced. Cigarette promotions make smoking appear harmless and cool and have led to many kids under the age of 18 to have smoked for years. The advertisements on quitting smoking and how bad they are for you may be effective for older viewers, however many teens and kids are drawn to cigarettes even more because adults are saying it isRead MoreAdvertisements For Smoking Should Be Banned975 Words   |  4 PagesAdvertisements For Smoking Should Be Banned. Advertisements involving smoking should be prohibited. Kids and teens that are the most impressionable and easily influenced. Cigarette promotions make smoking appear harmless and cool and have led to many kids under the age of 18 to have smoked for years. The advertisements on quitting smoking and how bad they are for you may be effective for older viewers however many teens and kids are drawn to cigarettes even more because adults are saying it is badRead MoreEssay On Cigarettes Should Be Banned707 Words   |  3 PagesChoosing to light another cigarette is choosing to commit another murder and taking another stab at your lungs. Smoking is the cause of one in five deaths each year in the United States alone. Since cigarettes can be considered a mass murder, they should be banned. They are dangerous to smokers and everybody around them, and that makes them vulnerable to secondhand smoke. Smokers are more prone to have high cholesterol due to damaged blood vessel walls and abnormal heart rhythms. They also lead to plaqueRead MoreThe Ethics Of The Indian Government959 Words   |  4 PagesTobacco Advertising was the hot topic it was in the late 90 s and early 2000 s, but it is still something we should strive to understand and functionally work with. The European Union and the United States have banned advertisements from television, while only the United States has banned tobacco advertising for sporting events. The Indian government had enacted an initiative to ban tobacco advertising in sporting events in 2001 to help curb the appeal of tobacco use in minors. The ethical

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