Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Analysis of the UTS Hospital

Question: The report discusses the data and analysis of the same for UTS Hospital which is a public hospital located in Australia in New South Wales. An extensive analysis is done on the AR-DRGs E69A/B/C which is the code for Bronchitis and Asthma. Answer: Chronic Asthmatic Bronchitis - Health Library. (2016). Retrieved 23 May 2016. AR-DRG Australian Refined Diagnosis Related Groups (AR-DRGs) is a classification system that puts forward a clinical mechanism to relate the patients that are treated in a particular hospital with the resources that are utilized by the hospital. These groupings have been done on the basis of the similarities found in the clinical status and the required hospital service for the same. ("Australian refined diagnosis-related groups (AR-DRG) data cubes (AIHW)", 2016). Code Description 00 Unassignable to MDC 01 Diseases Disorders of the Nervous System B01Z-B81B 02 Diseases Disorders of the Eye C01Z-C63B 03 Diseases Disorders of the Ear, Nose, Mouth Throat D01Z-D67Z 04 Diseases Disorders of the Respiratory System E01A-E75C 05 Diseases Disorders of the Circulatory System F01Z-F75C 06 Diseases Disorders of the Digestive System G01A-G70B 07 Diseases Disorders of the Hepatobiliary System Pancreas H01A-H64B 08 Diseases Disorders of the Musculoskeletal System Connective Tissue I01Z-I76C 09 Diseases Disorders of the Skin, Subcutaneous Tissue Breast J01Z-J67B 10 Endocrine, Nutritional Metabolic Diseases Disorders K01Z-K64B 11 Diseases Disorders of the Kidney Urinary Tract L01A-L67C 12 Diseases Disorders of the Male Reproductive System M01Z-M64Z 13 Diseases Disorders of the Female Reproductive System N01Z-N62B 14 Pregnancy, Childbirth the Puerperium O01A-O65B 15 Newborns Other Neonates P01Z-P67D 16 Diseases Disorders of Blood, Blood Forming Organs, Immunological Disorders Q01Z-Q62B 17 Neoplastic Disorders (Haematological Solid Neoplasms) R01A-R64Z 18 Infectious Parasitic Diseases, Systemic or Unspecified Sites S60Z-T64B 19 Mental Diseases Disorders U40Z-U68Z 20 Alcohol/Drug Use Alcohol/Drug Induced Organic Mental Disorders V60Z-V64Z 21 Injuries, Poisonings Toxic Effects of Drugs W01Z-X64B 22 Burns Y01Z-Y62B 23 Factors Influencing Health Status Other Contacts with Health Services Z01A-Z65Z E69A/B/C DGR E69A/B/C belongs to the MDC 04 which stands for Diseases Disorders of the Respiratory System. This DRG belongs to the disease Bronchitis and Asthma. Bronchitis is a respiratory malady in which the bodily fluid layer in the lungs' bronchial sections gets to be kindled. As the bothered layer swells and develops thicker, it contracts or stops the minor aviation routes in the lungs, bringing about hacking spells that might be joined by mucus and shortness of breath. The malady comes in two structures: intense (enduring from one to three weeks) and endless (enduring no less than 3 months of the year for a long time in succession).Asthma is a constant sickness including the aviation routes in the lungs. These aviation routes, or bronchial tubes, permit air to come all through the lungs. Prevalence Incidence of Admissions to Acute Hospitals Acute care is a branch of health care that is secondary in nature. Under this care, a patient receives active and immediate but short-term treatment. The treatment is provided for long illness, severe injury or an urgent medical condition. It is entirely opposite from the long-term or chronic care ("Acute hospitals and integrated care", 2015). AMO specialty that is seen more commonly is general medicine and the discharge intention is overnight as compared to the same day discharge. J45.9 is the most frequent diagnosis code and 95550-03 is the major procedure code. Prevent Hospitalization and Reduce LOS for E69A/B/C There is no cure for asthma, yet side effects can be controlled with compelling asthma treatment and administration. This includes taking the medicines as guided and figuring out how to keep away from triggers that bring about asthma side effects. Ordinary treatment for intense bronchitis may comprise of straightforward measures, for example, getting a lot of rest, drinking loads of liquids, staying away from smoke and exhaust, and potentially getting a medicine for a breathed in bronchodilator and/or hack syrup. Now and again of incessant bronchitis, oral steroids to decrease aggravation and/or supplemental oxygen might be important. Over-the-counter non-steroidal mitigating drugs (NSAIDS, for example, headache medicine, ibuprofen and naproxen may relieve your sore throat. Humidifiers make dampness noticeable all around you relax. This can release bodily fluid in your nasal sections and mid-section, making it simpler to relax. Drinking a lot of fluids, for example, water or tea, can disperse bodily fluid. This makes it less demanding to hack it up or clean out it out through your nose. Data Analysis Strategy and Plan The selected plan for analyzing the data for the patients of UTS Hospital diagnosed and treated with the DRG E69A/E69B/E69C is: Sort the information for each of the DGR as E69A, E69B and E69C. Compare the data collected with the overall data of the patients Identify the commonly occurring diagnostic information and procedure information on the Bronchitis and Asthma patients Analyze the data and infer the patterns out of the data such as the age group that is affected the most, gender than is affected the most and likewise Look through the discharge information and the period of stay of the patients in the hospital Combine all of the information in the form of tables, figures and charts Profile of patients in AR-DRGs E69A/E69B/E69C The data set that has been chosen for this study consists of 34624 records and the proportion covered by AR-DRG E69A/B/C is 413 records which accounts for 1.192% of the entire dataset with 0.037% patients treated for E69A, 0.26% treated for E69B and 0.895% for E69C. DRG41 Gender Age Marital Status LOS Discharge Intention ICU Hours Principal Diagnosis Diagnosis 2 E69A Female 75 Married 20 Overnight 0 J45.9 B44.9 E69A Female 83 Widowed 5 Overnight 0 J20.8 B96.5 E69A Female 53 Married 22 Overnight 0 J46 G72.2 E69A Female 64 Married 3 Overnight 0 J20.9 F10.2 E69A Female 86 Widowed 6 Overnight 0 J45.1 F03 E69A Male 77 Married 8 Overnight 0 J45.9 J69.0 E69A Female 78 Widowed 1 Overnight 0 J45.9 I50.0 E69A Male 75 Married 9 Overnight 0 J45.9 D50.9 E69A Female 72 Unknown 16 Overnight 0 J45.9 E87.7 E69A Male 85 Unknown 3 Overnight 0 J40 J18.9 E69A Male 62 Married 1 Overnight 0 J45.9 I48 E69A Female 66 Widowed 4 Overnight 0 J45.9 B96.39 E69A Female 63 Married 1 Overnight 2 J20.8 B96.5 Profile of Patients DRG41 Gender Age Marital Status LOS ICU Hours Principal Diagnosis Diagnosis 2 E69B Male 37 Married 13 0 J46 B96.39 E69B Female 30 Married 4 16 J46 A49.2 E69B Female 58 Married 3 0 J45.9 Z72.0 E69B Male 55 Single 5 0 J45.9 J06.9 E69B Female 40 Married 26 0 J45.9 J14 E69B Male 6 Single 1 0 J45.9 G80.9 E69B Female 3 Single 1 0 J45.9 A09 E69B Female 70 Divorced 6 0 J45.9 J22 E69B Female 81 Widowed 7 0 J45.9 E11.9 E69B Female 51 Married 1 0 J45.9 E69B Male 76 Married 1 0 J45.1 E69B Female 77 Married 6 0 J20.9 E11.9 E69B Male 66 Unknown 2 27 J46 Z86.43 E69B Female 45 Married 3 0 J45.9 D50.9 E69B Female 0 Single 1 0 J45.9 J05.0 E69B Male 16 Single 3 44 J45.9 J93.9 E69B Male 66 Unknown 1 0 J45.9 E69B Female 28 Single 1 0 J45.9 I47.1 E69B Male 8 Single 11 0 J45.9 G80.9 E69B Male 53 Single 6 0 J45.9 E69B Female 57 Married 2 0 J45.9 Z86.43 E69B Female 1 Single 2 0 J45.9 J18.9 E69B Male 52 Married 3 0 J45.9 Z72.0 Pivot Table: Profile of Patients for E69B DRG41 Gender Age Marital Status LOS Discharge Intention ICU Hours Principal Diagnosis Diagnosis 2 E69C Female 7 Single 1 Overnight 0 J45.9 E69C Male 1 Single 1 Overnight 0 J45.9 E69C Female 17 Single 1 Overnight 0 J45.9 E69C Male 5 Single 1 Overnight 0 J45.9 E69C Male 32 Married 1 Overnight 0 J45.9 E69C Male 12 Single 1 Overnight 0 J45.9 E69C Male 32 Single 1 Overnight 0 J45.9 E69C Female 15 Single 1 Overnight 0 J45.9 Z72.0 E69C Male 2 Single 1 Overnight 0 J45.9 E69C Male 41 Married 1 Overnight 0 J20.9 L50.0 E69C Female 35 Single 1 Overnight 0 J45.9 Z72.0 E69C Male 4 Single 1 Overnight 0 J45.9 E69C Female 1 Single 1 Overnight 0 J45.9 E69C Male 29 Married 1 Overnight 0 J45.9 Z72.0 E69C Male 2 Single 2 Overnight 0 J45.9 E69C Female 14 Single 2 Overnight 0 J45.9 J06.9 E69C Male 47 Single 1 Overnight 0 J45.9 Z86.43 E69C Male 31 Single 1 Overnight 22 J46 J06.9 E69C Male 1 Single 2 Overnight 0 J45.9 E69C Female 18 Single 1 Overnight 0 J45.9 E69C Female 6 Single 1 Overnight 0 J45.9 E86 E69C Female 20 Single 3 Overnight 0 J46 Z72.0 E69C Female 33 Single 1 Overnight 0 J45.9 E69C Male 47 Single 1 Overnight 0 J45.9 E69C Female 49 Unknown 1 Overnight 0 J45.9 E69C Male 1 Single 2 Overnight 0 J46 E69C Male 2 Single 5 Overnight 0 J46 J06.9 E69C Female 20 Single 1 Overnight 0 J45.9 E69C Female 35 Single 3 Overnight 0 J45.9 J06.9 E69C Male 4 Single 1 Overnight 0 J45.9 E69C Female 1 Single 1 Overnight 0 J45.9 E69C Female 35 Single 1 Overnight 0 J45.9 Z72.0 E69C Male 21 Single 2 Overnight 0 J45.9 E69C Female 17 Single 2 Overnight 0 J45.9 J06.9 E69C Female 19 Single 1 Overnight 0 J45.9 E69C Male 17 Unknown 1 Overnight 0 J40 Z72.0 E69C Male 3 Single 2 Overnight 0 J45.9 E69C Female 17 Single 3 Overnight 0 J45.9 E69C Male 3 Single 1 Overnight 0 J45.9 J06.9 E69C Male 7 Single 1 Overnight 0 J45.9 E69C Male 30 Married 2 Overnight 20 J45.9 Z72.0 E69C Female 35 Married 1 Overnight 0 J45.9 J06.9 E69C Male 4 Single 1 Overnight 0 J45.9 J22 E69C Female 1 Single 2 Overnight 0 J45.9 J06.9 E69C Male 48 Married 2 Overnight 0 J45.9 Z86.43 E69C Male 2 Single 1 Overnight 0 J45.9 E69C Female 17 Single 2 Overnight 38 J46 E69C Male 1 Single 1 Overnight 0 J45.9 E69C Male 12 Single 2 Overnight 0 J45.9 E69C Male 1 Single 1 Overnight 0 J45.9 L30.9 E69C Female 15 Single 1 Overnight 0 J45.9 J06.9 E69C Male 0 Single 1 Overnight 0 J45.9 L30.9 E69C Male 38 Unknown 1 Overnight 0 J45.9 E69C Male 1 Single 1 Overnight 0 J45.9 J22 E69C Male 1 Single 1 Overnight 0 J45.9 E69C Female 32 Married 2 Overnight 0 J45.1 E69C Male 6 Single 2 Overnight 0 J45.9 E69C Male 8 Single 1 Overnight 0 J45.9 J06.9 E69C Male 15 Single 1 Overnight 0 J40 E69C Male 25 Single 4 Overnight 0 J45.1 E69C Male 20 Unknown 1 Overnight 0 J45.9 E69C Male 2 Single 1 Overnight 0 J45.9 E69C Male 7 Single 1 Overnight 0 J45.9 E69C Male 2 Single 1 Overnight 0 J45.9 E69C Male 1 Single 1 Overnight 0 J45.9 E69C Female 1 Single 2 Overnight 0 J45.9 J06.9 E69C Male 2 Single 1 Overnight 0 J45.9 E69C Female 31 Married 1 Overnight 0 J45.9 E69C Male 1 Single 1 Overnight 0 J45.9 E69C Female 8 Single 1 Overnight 0 J45.9 J06.9 Comparison and Analysis DRG Number of Patients Average Age Number of Females Number of Males Overnight Discharge Same Day Discharge Maximum ICU Hours E69A/B/C 410 22.6 years 190 223 409 4 46 Others 34214 39.27 20010 14201 27390 6525 2695 Comparison of Patients in AR-DRG with E69A/B/C with all the patients The comparative analysis between the patients of E69A/B/C and other DRGs show the following trends and results: More number of males have been diagnosed with E69A/B/C whereas more females are diagnosed for other DRGs Overnight discharges occur more than the same day discharges for all the DRGs Maximum ICU hours in case of Bronchitis and Asthma is 46 but it went as high as up to 2695 hours in other DRGs The average age recorded for Asthma and Bronchitis is 22.6 years and is 39.27 for the rest of them. DRG Most Common Principal Diagnosis Most Common Secondary Diagnosis E69A J45.9 B96.5 E69B J45.9 J18.9 E69C J45.9 J06.9 Most Common Diagnosis Codes DRG Most Common Principal Procedure Code Most Common Secondary Principal Procedure E69A 95550-01 and 95550-03 95550-03 E69B 95550-03 95550-01, 95550-02 and 95550-03 E69C 95550-03 34524-00 Most Common Procedure Codes DRG Maximum Length of Stay E69A 2 E69B 44 E69C 46 Same MCDs 743 Maximum Length of Stay Important Points from the Analysis Principal diagnosis most commonly seen: J45.9 Most common Procedure codes: 95550-03 Overnight discharges happen more than same day discharges More males diagnosed with Bronchitis and Asthma Prevention for Asthma and Bronchitis Intake of proper medications as per the recommendations by the doctor or caregiver. Avoid the harm causing factors such as pollen grains, smoke and likewise. Increased use of electrostatic air cleaner to be free from dust Increased consumption of water on a daily basis and especially in the mornings Bring exercise and workout in the routine schedule Get rid of the pets is animal dander is one of the causes of Asthma Be well aware of the medical condition Maintain wellness Seek medical care if the problems increase ("Chronic Asthmatic Bronchitis - Health Library", 2016) Conclusions Bronchitis and Asthma are the diseases that are primarily treated in the Acute Care facility and can be chronic as well as non-chronic in nature. A detailed analysis on the profile of the patients is done in a record of 34624 patients. There are 413 patients belonging to E69A/B/C DRG and the principal diagnosis and procedure codes seen are J45.9 and 95550-03. References Acute hospitals and integrated care. (2015). The King's Fund. Retrieved 23 May 2016. An Inpatient Prospective Payment System Refresher: MS-DRGs. (2016). Retrieved 23 May 2016. Australian refined diagnosis-related groups (AR-DRG) data cubes (AIHW). (2016).

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